About Global Legal Solutions

An Integrated Legal Solutions Provider And Law Firm


Leading Innovation In Legal Solutions

Legal Solutions Innovator

GLS Group is a leading global legal industry innovator and disruptor whose goal is to help in-house legal teams address their capacity issues and performance enhancement requirements in typically resource constrained environments.

We deliver innovative technology-enabled legal solutions that facilitate more efficient access to, and delivery of, a wide range of common legal support scenarios to businesses globally.

Of note, the GLS Legal Operations Centre, the Group's flagship offering, delivers 24/7/365 access to the world's largest and most comprehensive online legal department resource stack of tools, templates, trainings and capacity solutions.


Behind The Vision

Big Law Tech Lawyers

Our founders were partners at major law firms such as DLA Piper and Linklaters, and served as Chief Legal Officers in various in-house roles.

Our founders were partners at major law firms

Vision For Tech-Enabled Law Firm

As tech law experts, it was frustrating for our founders to be part of a business that resisted embracing technology and innovation.

Our founders were frustrated that law firms were not embracing technology and efficiency

Founding Of GLS

Our founders started GLS in 2014 as a boutique law firm committed to tech-led efficiency and it worked. We were incredibly busy.

Founded Global Legal Solutions

Clients Wanted Access To Our Tech Stack

In response to client demands, we launched the GLS Legal Operations Centre, giving them direct access to the tools and technology we used but they needed.

Many clients wanted direct access to our legal solutions

Becoming An Industry Leader

Today, the GLS Legal Operations Centre is the largest and most comprehensive online in-house legal team resource stack.

Today GLS is an industry leader through our comprehensive legal solutions


Our Leaders

Matthew Glynn

Matthew Glynn

Group Managing Director

Matthew Glynn is the Group Managing Director of the GLS Group. A former Big Law technology lawyer, Matthew has been responsible for the development of hundreds of technology-enabled tools that extend what in-house legal resources can achieve. He is an industry leader when it comes to helping in-house teams achieve far greater performance outcomes with fewer resources. Matthew also regularly implements productivity solutions to legal teams of all sizes across the globe and routinely helps them achieve external legal budget compression ratios in excess of 1:10 and time task compression that exceed 1:20.

Simon Bryan

Simon Bryan

EMEA Managing Director

Simon Bryan is a Managing Director of the GLS Group. As a former partner in Big Law, and as a former GC / CLO of some of the largest organisations in the MENA region, Simon was an early agitator for change within the legal services industry and is a driver of new law solutions and the implementation of legal operations-led strategies to deliver legal support solutions to clients with verifiably proven outcomes (i.e. better, faster and cheaper). Simon works with clients to increase, measure and demonstrate the performance and productivity of their legal functions whilst simultaneously reducing the resource demands of the same.

Want to find out more about the GLS Group? We’d love to talk to you.